Friday, June 30, 2006

Ruby's return

I drove up to TN this morning to retrieve the beast. She was pretty excited to see me and was very happy to jump into the car for the ride back to NC. She slept mostly and then went crazy when she saw Starla. I do believe she is a little taller and wider.

New York trip

Starla and I were in NYC for the past few days. She had work to do and I had to keep her company. We stayed at the Westin in Times Square. It was pretty nice. You can see the view we had in the pictures. I visited Elderd and Willie at my former work place. Those two and I provided untold copies and documents for McKinsey consultants. If you can think of a company we probably prepared something for them. I, also, walked around NYC a bit. The last picture is one of my favorite places in Central Park. It is the large promenade with all the American elms. Unfortunately, it was closed for a renovation project. Also, you can see how overcast it was in the city. And humid.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Here are some of the pots I threw at AB-Tech over the past few months. Some are better than others. I wish I could throw more regularly but I don't seem to have enough energy to do everything I ought and should. Let me know if you see one you like.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Bike ride

For Father's day Hank, Keith and I went to Creeper trail in Virginia. We rode 17 miles of it, mostly downhill. It was beautiful. The trail was shaded and cool. It meandered near a trout stream and had 40 bridges to ride over. Keith brought a bike for me and Hank rented a bike. It was basically a barcalounger on wheels. He rode it like a pro. I saw a doe and her fawn as they walked back into the woods. Hopefully, we will make it back for another ride one day.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Dog toy

Ruby has a new toy. It is a long whiplike thing made out of felt. I think it has a tennis ball at the end. She thinks she is great because she has so many toys. But the jokes on you Ruby, cause you peed on that rug you're sitting on.

dog walk

These two pictures are the fruit of a walk today. Ruby loves her walks. She upsets all the neighborhood dogs who aren't getting walks.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Architecture chat

Last night Starla and I met with Keith Hargrove. He is an architect here in Asheville. He lived in our neighborhood as a kid and mowed our neighbor's lawn. Anyway he remembered the house well and was enthused to see it again. He confirmed that it had a flat roof originally and was a smooth stucco over masonry block. He told us the architect who designed it was Ronald Greene and showed us a sister house built in Kenilworth, East Asheville. That house, also designed by Greene, is a true International Style house whereas our house is closer to an Art Moderne design. The sister house still retains its flat roof (which probably leaks) and has long walls of windows. It was built in 48. Ours was built in 39. Keith was quite nice and we are going to start the process with him and his group. They are quite busy at the moment so it will be a few months before we can start in earnest but they have some small steps they can start taking before then. Anyway we are happy to start thinking about improving the look of our home. Keith's website is:

Incidentally, he designed the library down the street from us. A picture is included.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Yertle alert

We had a good storm last night and a turtle washed up in our driveway. Ruby didn't even notice this morning. What a guard dog. We better hope this turtle isn't teenage, mutant or ninja.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Dog Love

Ruby loves her new long dog toy. I mean she really loves her new long dog toy.

Friday, June 09, 2006


So many things had resolution these past few days that I feel really good. I was quickly memorizing music for the past 10 days for a short recital at a Retirement community here in NC. It was an outreach program for Asheville Lyric Opera. I sang a few Italian numbers with 3 other singers. The time to prepare was quite short and I felt rather harried. Starla was away and made it back last night. The homestudy for our adoption is finally done. I finished painting the living room. My pottery class finished. And puppy class finished. It is nice to get those balls out of the air. Now I can concentrate on the 1000 other things I need to do. Starla had the camera with her for her trip so I haven't posted and pictures recently. I will get back in the habit. Starla, of course, was too busy to take any pictures unfortunately. I will give her a C- for at least thinking to take the camera with her.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Tuesday morning

Ruby and I got up this morning around 7:30 to go out for a short walk and use the dog facilities before breakfast. She was pretty good. As usual she preferred peeing on the driveway instead of the grass. Apparently, the dew upsets her. I suppose we at least avoid some more dead grass spots this way. It would be great, though, if Ruby could figure out which way her urine would run when it hits the ground. 75% of the time she ends up standing in her own pee. Anyway after that we rolled the trash can around to the front. She thinks that is a grand game and growls and barks at the rolling wheels while she dances around the container. Sorry baby next door. Then we went back inside and I gave her some breakfast. She is so good and sits and waits for me to pour the food and tell her OK before she runs to her bowl and scarfs the ScienceDiet. As she was eating I went looking for my phone and tried to figure out what I would do with my day. When that was complete I went to collect Ruby to take her out for some coffee in Weaverville. Well, I found her upstairs in our bedroom. She was looking for Starla (who is in Vegas on business). Usually Starla is still finishing the waking up process and Ruby gets a chance to attack her with kisses. But no Starla today. Ruby looked for about two minutes. First in bed (that's the first place I would look too if I wanted to find Starla) then in the bathroom, then in the bed, then in the bathroom, etc. I know, I miss her too Ruby.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Puppy class graduation.

Ruby graduated today from her Puppy class. There was a contest of whose dog could perform the most commands and generally act the best. The three dogs in attendance battled it out to a tie. 9 points a piece. So we had to have a command off. First command - Lay Down. Tobey and Ruby did it just fine but marly Rose was out. Next command - Sit. Tobey and Ruby comply again. Next - Stay. Ruby stayed calm and cool but Tobey flinched and lost the challenge. Hooray Ruby. You're the winner. Now act perfect.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Dog run.

No pictures yet. But yesterday Ruby had her first trip to a dog run. For those of you that haven't seen a dog run it is essentially just what it says. A big space fenced off in a park where dogs can be let off their leashes and run free. For Ruby freedom was mostly making friends with a couple other dog owners and ignoring most of the dogs. Hopefully, her next trip will be a braver affair.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Sodding Day

Looks like our yard is getting a finishing touch. Scott Wilson and his son are laying sod today (in the rain, no less). I think it will look great. Our next step will be trimming shrubs and bushes and making final decisions on what to plant around the house and on the bank. I am hoping to bury a couple pipes in the front yard so that we can set up a badminton/volleyball net very quickly and easily should the need arise. Everyone knows that Starla has a college education in badminton. So watch out. As a bonus you get two Ruby pictures. By the way, I just had a glass of the Biltmore Estate Reserve Chardonnay(2003). It was pretty good but I would swear it had a nose of old sneakers.