Friday, February 04, 2011

Deceptively Wintry Randoms

The kids found the winter clothes drawer and decided to bundle up, even though it was over 50 degrees that day. Weird children. Calliope is wearing the flower crown Nella picked out for her in the first pic. And Quinn is wearing the crazy adorable footie pjs he got at his welcome lunch. Just when you thought he couldn't get *any* cuter . . . you would be oh so wrong!

The last couple of pics really need audio to go along with him, so you all could hear the heart rending wailing he is doing as he watches Daddy drive away to take Calliope to school. He generally wails as though the world were ending for the entire time it takes Aaron to pull away, and then for about 13.7 seconds afterwards. Then he toddles away from the door, and all is good. Poor Ruby finds all of this strum and drang every morning to be quite bewildering.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

What was Dad wearing, childern learn fast.