Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Architecture chat

Last night Starla and I met with Keith Hargrove. He is an architect here in Asheville. He lived in our neighborhood as a kid and mowed our neighbor's lawn. Anyway he remembered the house well and was enthused to see it again. He confirmed that it had a flat roof originally and was a smooth stucco over masonry block. He told us the architect who designed it was Ronald Greene and showed us a sister house built in Kenilworth, East Asheville. That house, also designed by Greene, is a true International Style house whereas our house is closer to an Art Moderne design. The sister house still retains its flat roof (which probably leaks) and has long walls of windows. It was built in 48. Ours was built in 39. Keith was quite nice and we are going to start the process with him and his group. They are quite busy at the moment so it will be a few months before we can start in earnest but they have some small steps they can start taking before then. Anyway we are happy to start thinking about improving the look of our home. Keith's website is:

Incidentally, he designed the library down the street from us. A picture is included.

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