The house looks like a Toys R'Us exploded inside of it. Quinn has decided that it's more fun to tumble head first off the couch again and again than to sit on it, and Calliope just wants to watch Backyardigans on continuous repeat.
We are sleeping in 4 hour bursts, because that is what Quinn insists on, and the line between waking and sleeping is getting very blurred for the grown-ups. Quinn is a fun kid, but he tolerates no deviation in his sleeping and eating, and does not seem to notice that it's pitch-dark out when he's most awake. My folks want to come and visit on Sunday, and they wanted to know the best time . . . um 2AM, maybe? Aaron bundled the kids up and took them to the swingset to play at 9PM last night. At Long Gang they had a morning playground and an afternoon playground, and I guess Quinn thinks all we have is a night time playground.
If it wasn't for Ruby The Demon Dog, this place would be a snack-filled, toy covered paradise. Our sweet, bewildered dog alternately fascinates and terrifies him. He's getting braver and braver by the hour, though. If we put Ruby behind a gate, he wants to go up and stare and point at her like she's an exhibit in an extremely lame zoo. It's really cute how he does the toddler wave at her . . . but less cute when he bursts into wails if she gets a bit close.
In eating news, Quinn is getting a good start on eating us out of house and home. Don't even want to think what our food bills will look like when he's sixteen - better start growing a victory garden now, I guess. He had cheesy grits for the first time yesterday, and loved them. We'll have him watching NASCAR and drinking Budweiser by summer.
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