Rain, rain, rain. Traffic was a mess this morning, but we have returned from the medical exam and all went well. Our guide is very efficient . . . instead of waiting around for a particular doctor like other families do, she zipped us into the exam rooms and went and got the doctor herself. We did almost no waiting at all, despite the full rooms.
Quinn did a fine job- I don't think he cried more than two minutes total, despite being prodded and poked, measured and weighed unceremoniously.
Aaron is basically incapacitated by this cold, flu, whatever, and I'm starting a scratchy throat and sore head as well. I'm sure the kids are both perfectly able of taking care of themselves, right? They seem pretty capable.
Trying to get Quinn to lay down for his nap right now, but the boy is a climber. Better set the crib walls high at home.
So, Merry Christmas everybody. We're just going to hibernate in here today. After all, Calliope says this hotel is way better than her house. I guess we need to call our contracter and have him install a dim sum restaurant with pretend boats in our basement, or she will never agree to come home.
1 comment:
Love that image of Quinn identifyiing y'all in the family album! Sending out prayers and good wishes that you and Aaron will both rebound quickly.
Are there any disposable cameras there? I can't remember. If so, you could at least get some pics and send them to Snapfish when you're home for digital images. Slow, but at least you'd have some more pics. Send the butler out to check;)
Thought of y'all at the family service tonight at church. Just think how much fun that will be next year!
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